Who needs culinary school??? Presenting Katia Child's Kitchen Catastrophe's

Join an inexperienced cook with the desire to develop my culinary skills in a journey of of laughs, fires and third degree burns :-)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Deck the Orzo with Fontina...lalalalalala la la la!

Well the excitement is building as Christmas dinner in Katia's Kitchen approaches. The set is almost done with the Holiday renovations and the Christmas music is already playing!

We have suckered someone else into joining us tonight. Making his first appearance as a judge in Katia's Kitchen, Chester Morgan will be joining us. He is from the Finance department at Mosaic so he will be getting the largest servings and the best looking because without a paycheck Katia's Kitchen will become more like 100 ways to use Spam. This brings the guest list to four which is Katia's largest crowd to date. We will also have our head judge Tamara joining us as well as our professional photographers T-dub and Chewy.

Ok folks (imagine the lights dimming and some soft instrumental Christmas music starting to play lightly in the background) I would like to be serious for one minute and share something I have learned after only two weeks in this process. I used to only think when people wanted a "large"kitchen it was for show or because it just looked really expensive. But I am starting to realize just how many great times and meaningful conversations take place while standing around and prepping and enjoying drinks in the kitchen. I never realized how important the kitchen can be as a place to really bond and make great memories (or some not so great depending on who is doing the cooking!)

When I was home visiting my dad and Linda a few weeks ago I noticed there was a new small flat screen tv in the kitchen. My dad claims it is because Linda moved the furniture around in the living room and now you can't see the tv from the kitchen. However, denial is not just a river in Egypt and I think there is going to come a time when he has to admit he just can't see things far away as clear as he used to. (love you dad) REGARDLESS of why the tv is there they told me they did it because they spend so much time hanging out in the kitchen that it is great to have it there. Now that is the sweet and family oriented reason. I agree with putting a tv in the kitchen but for other reasons....Man Bait. What better way to get a guy off his ass and to help you in the kitchen than to put his mistress (the tv) right where you want his help. No longer will he have to make the century old choice between helping in the kitchen and watching the game...now he can have his cake and eat it too. The next device I am going to try and invent for my perfect kitchen is some sort of device that you have to insert a dish in the dishwasher for the fridge with the beer in it to open......but one thing at a time.

As much as I would love to crack the bottle of wine now - I am off for a run to try and burn off a few calories to at least lessen the blow wine consumption is going to have on my waistline this evening. Check back tomorrow for pictures, judges scores and other highlights of Christmas at Katia's Kitchen!

P.S I know it's wierd that I sometimes talk in first person and other times third. It's not going to change but I just thought Iwould ackowledge it.

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