Who needs culinary school??? Presenting Katia Child's Kitchen Catastrophe's

Join an inexperienced cook with the desire to develop my culinary skills in a journey of of laughs, fires and third degree burns :-)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Multitasking: Screwing Up Several Things At Once

Well this Saturday I have been challenged to focus on the art of multitasking in the kitchen. Instead of one main dish and a dessert T-Dub has called me into the gauntlet of trying to complete two dishes to be served at the same time. I am fully capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time or even listening to my iPod while running. However neither of those tasks involve a meat flattener ( I don't even know what it's called but I figured 'meat flattener' was better than 'meat pounder thing'.....that just opens too many doors that couldn't be closed fast enough) and oil hot enough to melt metal.

Honestly the thing that pisses me off the most about this whole multitasking thing is I am going to have less drinking time. I can't turn my back for one second because the minute I check one dish I am going to have to check another. This may end up being a good thing because getting loaded before cooking anything in hot oil can't scream 9-1-1 loud enough. I can't even stand it when they put the hot oil on your eyebrows so.......

Well without further ado here are the recipes for this Saturday's Katie Child's Christmas Catastrophe!!!



Another item we will be focusing on this week is AMBIANCE. You may have noticed in previous pictures the scenery wasn't exactly "mood setting". Here are a couple of things that you will NOT see in the pictures from the new and improved set of Katia's Kitchen this Saturday.

Nothing screams fine dining like clothes crawling out of your bedroom and into the dining room. As noted by the red arrows you can see that a few pairs of socks, running shorts and a few unmentionables felt they were missing out and wanted to join the fun. (for the record those clothes were all CLEAN they just hadn't made their way back to their residence yet)

So I am not quite sure why I didn't just put the clean clothes in one of these empty clothing baskets instead of on the floor......Obviously there is a little room for organization in the laundry area and I am not quite sure what is even in that box.

I have never walked into a restaurant with an overflowing garbage can in visible site. And if I have I am pretty sure that was the first and last time I have visited that place. Of course you accumulate garbage while cooking but it almost looks like the garbage is trying to escape and crawl out to meet up with the clothes on the floor only a few feet away.

On a different note - this picture is why you will never see these pants in Katia's Kitchen again. Yes they are cute and extremely comfortable, but they make my ass look like I just finished eating an entire family of zebra's for dinner. That print is far from flattering - it has been noted.

Hello Guests, Pull up a chair right next to my luggage, guitar that hasn't been used in months, Fan Box that I am pretty sure has made a permanent indent on the carpet and bag of clothes going to Good Will in the garbage bag right next to the door. At first I saw this picture and thought R dog was resting but now I am starting think he passed out from the clutter.

Well that is all for today. I am very excited for the updates to the set of Katia's Kitchen that will be taking place for the Holidays! Also, I am looking for any suggestions on good Christmas music. Something a little more modern maybe????

And one LAST request from Katia. I received an email yesterday from someone who saw my blog and said "Obviously you aren't a good cook or people aren't interested because you only have two followers". Apparently this D-bag has a cooking blog as well and is trying to start some shit. No pressure, but if you have time and are comfortable following this blog publicly I would appreciate putting that asshole in his place. If you would prefer not to no worries - at the end of the day the whole purpose of this blog is to entertain and make people laugh- all at the expense of my self dignity and attempt to learn how to cook so please continue reading even if it's anonymously:-)

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