Who needs culinary school??? Presenting Katia Child's Kitchen Catastrophe's

Join an inexperienced cook with the desire to develop my culinary skills in a journey of of laughs, fires and third degree burns :-)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Who needs culinary school??? Presenting Katia Child

As I was watching The Iron Chef and how masterful those chefs are with their knives and other cooking utensils I am convinced were once used as torture devices to obtain information during medieval times...I started to think about all of the cooking reality shows that are out there. Hell's Kitchen, Top Chef, Iron Chef.......the one thing they all have in common is they are cooking competitions for experienced chefs. There is not one show that chronicles the miraculous journey of an inexperienced chef attempting to broaden their cooking horizons. Sure, I am untouched when it comes to the art form of the microwave and cooking my food with radiation. The speed of which I can unwrap that Lean Cusine and press the 3:30 time to cook button has been compared to the speed of light. I know where to strategically poke my fork in the plastic wrap to ensure the inside cooks at the same speed as the perimeter.....but let's face it. If I ever want to host a meal with guests over the age of 18 it is time to develop some true cooking skills. So, much like the movie Julie and Julia I have decided to embark on a new and exciting path and allow you all to experience with me as I take on new and exciting recipes that do not involve hotdogs, powder cheese or contain enough sodium to dry out a cactus in one sitting.Beginning Sunday I will cook a brand new recipe every week and I am looking for suggestions. I will be sure to provide a full recap and pictures after each meal is prepared and hold NOTHING back. My goal is to inspire all of you people out there who think that William Sonoma is a clothing brand at Walmart to pick up your mixing bowls, blender, cheese grader and garlic press and become the master of your kitchen!

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