Who needs culinary school??? Presenting Katia Child's Kitchen Catastrophe's

Join an inexperienced cook with the desire to develop my culinary skills in a journey of of laughs, fires and third degree burns :-)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Finger roll call: All ten present and functioning

Well - the first Sunday of cooking is complete and I am calling it a success for the following reasons.
1) My kitchen is still completely in tact with no smoke or fire damage.
2) It is 9:30 am the next day and I still have yet to show any physical side effects of being sick from the food. (although they do say food poisoning can take up to 24 hours to kick in so stay tuned...)
3) Minus poultry seasoning (which I still have no idea WTF that is) I was able to successfully locate all ingredients in the grocery store without asking the assistance of store clerk once. How long I was there is a different story......
4) Finger count: all ten present and functioning.
5) Zero broken dishes6) Swear words running count: F work - 5 ; Sh*t - 3 and only once did I tell the ghetto Ikea knives I was using to go to hell.

Introducing my Crew and Judges!!!

At this time I would like to introduce my staff as well as the panel of judges that will be critiquing my food every week. You will see from the pictures that will be posted later tonight we are a little tight on funds right now so the photo quality is why I look about ten pounds heavier than I look in real life. To quote my favorite episodes of Friends "MONICA: The Camera adds ten pounds" "CHANDLER: Well how many cameras are on you?"

Executive Producer: Katie McCants
Executive Producer Assistant One: Katie McCants
Writer: Katie McCants
Photography: Carlos Salinas -he is my very own Chewy for those who watch Chelsea Lately :-)Judges Panel: Tamara T, Carlos Salinas, Jeff Swanner will be reoccuring critics every week (check for the bio's later this week). However, it will be a first come first serve for additional quantities Monday morning at work.
Sponsors: Mosaic Sales Solutions (for continuing to employ me and pay me so I can buy the ingredients)

Check back tonight for the details of yesterday’s blazing success including the recipes used, photos, judges feedback and my deep thoughts about the experience.

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